$20/H Cash for a part time Personal & Housekeeping Duties


Please Read with extra care and then apply with a brife that you understand and a Picture ID plus Resume:
Personal Assistance ‘s Benefits: none Smoker, healthy Self-Employed Person

I pay $20/H Cash for a part time Personal & Housekeeping Duties to work in Downton Toronto.
1-You are working as part time. However, IF you pass training, you can keep your job as long as you perform your duties with responsibility, care and confidentiality.
A- You get Cash in End of your Work.
B The Cash Payment of the worker will increase $2.50; after completing 250 Hours of Services
For Example, if You provide Over 1000 Hours Services; you would get $30/Hour; Over $2000 Hour $40/Hour
C- During Training there is NO Payment. However, I pay $10 Cash for Coffee and TTC at the end of each training. In addition, we pay $10 cash if you attend and your class get cancelled (For No Show, you pay $10 too)
D- We schedule according to you and our availabilities; Max 2 to 4 hours/Day
E- Personal hygiene and good health are main requirements.

2- You are working in a Private Building which requiring you sign a few legal documents to not cause any disturbances or rise a complain and labilities, as required by law in Canada.

3- You are working in the Home, and have duties of Housekeeping and a Personal of a man.
A- Housekeeping includes all works in a house such cleaning, washing etc
B–Personal cares including Stretching, Thai Massage (With hands, feet, legs and body weight (If you are not Overweight), and assistant in bathing (if it be required)

Please Write ALL Your Question at Home, then come to interview

$20 Cash is equal to $25 if you are paying Income Taxes; then your Social Insurance Number will be report to Government

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