
Linda McFarlane


Since you value your home, pet, and plants, we’re here for you while you’re away. Your property and priceless valuables are important to you and will require protection. Your fur baby is loved by all members of the household
and requires personal attention and care to feel safe, loved and happy. Your plants are beautiful and give you joy as well, they deserve to have the best care possible. Houser4You is your personal house sitter service for your home, pet
and plants while you’re away because we care about what matters to you the most.

Personal protection of your home and everything in it is a very essential obligation and you can always get it done without any other issues at all.
We’re here for you so that you won’t have to undo your plans to get away again! Go, and be happy!

What we do for you when you’re away:

1. Go, and be happy, Mail Collection. We will collect your mail from your mailbox daily and place it in your home.

2. Go, and be happy, Pet Companionship.
We know your pets are important to you. You can trust us to feed your pets (according to instructions) and interact with them to give them the best care possible. (cost dependent on number of pets)

3. Go, and be happy, Garbage Day. Place your trash and recycle bins on the curb, retrieve them after it’s emptied and then returned to the original location.

4. Go, and be happy, Plant Care. We know your plants are important to you.
With your instructions, trust us to water the plants with tender love and care (cost depends on number of plants).

5. Go and be happy, Property Monitoring. While house sitting we will patrol areas of your property conducting 3x per day checks to make sure all the doors of your home and garage, etc are locked and windows are closed. (cost depends on property size)

Total Plan = $100/day
The first ten customers will receive a $10
discount off their first plan.

We can tailor this into a plan that will meet your needs, just ask!

Go, be nappy, we’ll house sit for you! Call today to book an appointment with us to house sit for you and never undo your time-away or vacation plans again!

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