Pet /senior/ PSW watcher in Stoney Creek


Elderly Lady needs someone for an hour a day to secure small dog while PSW attendant visits.

Dog is 3.5 year old Bichon Frise just adopted.

We have about 60 people rotate through home many are newcomers to Canada and-scared shitless. Especially when they tease pets and wave objects at them and don’t follow instructions and misbehave. This is the PSW’s I speak of not the dog.

Dog can be walked etc and then left un-restrained when PSW leaves

PSW smack dog in face with fly swatter dog nips them back now Agency is with holding services.

Agency is supposed to provide an hour service but in reality it is 10 minutes. They arrive approx noon hour which of course they do not guarantee. Sigh … a work in-progress it really is. The PSW not the dog.

Located downtown Stoney Creek.

Suitable for retired person wanting few dollars a day. Needed Monday to Friday. Once PSW flys put door feel free to make Coffee and chat with my Mother sure she will enjoy your company.

Please message me if you are interested

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