Luxury SUV Owners Needed, Focus Group, Pays $175!

Trevor Davidson

Are you a LARGE SUV owner (vehicle MUST seat 7 to 8 people), or are you planning on purchasing one in the next two years? You must own a LARGE SUV that seats 7-8 people or plan to buy one in the next two years.

We are holding in-person focus groups in Edmonton on Thursday, September 26th!
The first part is 30 minutes, and you will receive $175 as a thank-you for your participation and feedback. A select few will be asked to stay longer for the 90-minute focus group right after you will receive another $150. Participants are guaranteed $175, with the opportunity to make $325! You need to obviously plan on being there for the two hours in case you are selected for the 90-minute focus group part of this study.

To register, please call/text 431-999-1795 and leave your full name, age, and email. We will contact you Monday to get you registered for a session. Thanks ☺️

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