Expert Desktop, Mobil, And Web Application Development


Software Engineering – Desktop, Mobil, And Web Application Development => Traduction Française ci-dessous
Graphic Design, All Platform, Extra Feature Or Customize An Existing Application.
Lowest Prices & Very Fast

Skills & Abilities

Platform: Web, Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS
Software: Microsoft (Visual Studio Code, Excel, Azure); Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator)
Framework: WordPress, Express, Laravel, Quasar Vue, React, Material UI & Design, Bootstrap
Language: XML, HTML, CSS, SASS, LESS, JavaScript, JSON, Node.js & Deno, PHP
Web Server: Apache, Nginx, ISS
Database: SQL, MySQL, GraphQL, NoSQL (Firebase, MongoBD), MariaDB
Other: SEO, SEM, SMO, Google (AdWords, Cloud), AWS, Docker, Git Version Control

Telecommute => Yes
Screen Share => Yes

Call Or Text The Phone Numbers
And Add Me On Skype Or Zoom
So We Can Discuss This Further More


IngÈnierie logicielle-dÈveloppement d’applications bureautiques, Mobiles et Web
Conception Graphique, Toutes les plateformes, FonctionnalitÈ SupplÈmentaire, Personnaliser Une application existante.
A bas prix et trËs rapide

CompÈtences & Aptitudes
Plateforme: Web, Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS
Logiciel: Microsoft ( Visual Studio, Excel, Azure); Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator)
Framework: WordPress, Express, Laravel, Quasar Vuejs, Material UI & Design, Bootstrap
Language : XML, HTML, CSS, SASS, LESS, JavaScript, JSON, Node.js & Deno, PHP
Web Server: Apache, Nginx,
Base de donnÈes : SQL, MySQL, ApolloGraphQL, NoSQL ( Firebase, MongoBD), MariaDB
Autre : SEO, SEM, SMO, Google (AdWords, Cloud), AWS, Docker, Git Version Control

TÈlÈtravail => Oui
Partage D’…cran => Oui

Appel Ou Texte Les NumÈros De TÈlÈphone
Et Ajouter Moi Sur Skype Ou Zoom
Pour Qu’on en discute davantage

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