Free Leads for Contractors!

Contractor Connect

Are you a contractor located somewhere in Cape Breton and want some extra customer leads coming your way? What if you didn’t have to do your own marketing or extra work to acquire these customers?

Our service provides contractors with legitimate customers looking for renovation project help in the areas of carpentry, roofing, decking, electrical, plumbing, new building construction and more. Many of these customers are looking for the job to start right away but we can work with the contractor to schedule in estimates and the project initiation to fit with their current list of jobs.

There is no additional charge to the contractor for this service, we do simply add an administration fee to the customer’s estimate invoice for the coordination of lining up the job.

Contractors must be able to provide the following in order to be added to our priority list:
-Proof of certification and insurance.
-At least 3 customer referrals from relevant projects completed in the last 6 months.
-A list of services you (or your team) have experience and interest in servicing.
-An approximate timeline of your earliest availability to begin new projects.
-Working schedule and best times of the day/week to complete estimates.

Message today to be added to our priority list and start receiving quality leads for your business!

Please note, we act similarly to a broker between the customer and the contractor. We will not provide any guarantees on the contractors’ work, and thus we do as much due diligence on the contractor initially to ensure we protect the customer. Once projects begin we “hand off” all communication responsibility with the customer to the contractor and they will be expected to represent themselves and their own company brand accordingly.

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