Day Game, Networking/ Social Rizz pro can turbo charge your GAME

Omar Khan

That what
I will TURBO CHARGE your GAME(social prowess, social wit, seduction skills, verbal prowess, social bantering skills, FRAME control skills) so that you can as the famous/great book says Win people over, influence others, compel others at a “gut” level to want to invest in you(romantically, financially or emotionally), your ideas or service offering.

The Who
I’m an advanced Day Game, online dating, social wit, street seduction, mil $ level B2B networking/sales expert. I used to be a trainer for a company in Miami called Seduction Science and would conduct, sold out, live in field bootcamps in the mid 2000s in the US/Canada and later online.
Over 1000 coaching hours over 400 guys Games turbo charged, lives changes 10 years of battle tested real world experience

The How
If you want/need some help with your GAME then DM me
Please tell me a little about you rather than just “Hi, can you help” or some bs like that

Invest in yourself a bit if you want my investment in you to have any value

So tell me your name, a bit about you, briefly what you need help with

Then we can hop on a quick zoom call for a FREE 30 min strategy session

Also I’m able/willing to walk my talk, prove who I am, what I am anytime/anyplace
with real life demos, screenshots, in field videos, etc

Other than that, keep crushing it and best wishes


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