There’s clean and then there’s cosmically clean!

Kerry Forbes

Did you know that we are frequency first and every aspect of our biology emits a unique vibration, as do our emotions and these currents of emotion, invisibly fill our physical space?

When we’re sick (emotionally or physically) and we experience heavy, dense emotions (grief, guilt, shame, overwhelm, depression, anxiety and the spectrum), these same emotions move through our bodies and fill our environment(s) with disharmonious frequencies which can create a self perpetuating, negative loop leaving everyone (including our pets and plants), subject to the effects of a low vibration, incoherent and sometimes toxic household.

…but luckily low frequencies are an incredibly easy thing to clear from practically anywhere and ideally should be the icing on a freshly de-cluttered, organized, cleaned and cleared out space.

I’d be delighted to help you with ALL of that!
Clutter Removal
Sound Clearing

When we start to appreciate just how everything is connected and how potent we are as creators and just how much power lives in our emotions, it’s any wonder why we’re being called to see and do things differently, including our house cleaning!

More info? I’m here. ✨️✌️

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