Looking for A Personal Assistant


Looking for a personal assistant to work remotely from Winnipeg.
The tasks involve day to day errands, schedueling, emailing, social media engagement, post deliveries, bank deposits and similar errands. Tasks will be split between my wife and I who run a retail store, own rental properties, youtube content pages, and ecommerce business which involves preparing and mailing orders regularly.
The Job will be considered full time salary, with no set hours. We are expecting an on call or request system based on scheduels and current work loads. We are looking for long term relationship, building trust as we are inviting this person into our personal day to day lives. We are looking for somone with a positive attitude, open mind and free thinking personality. We expect someone with good organization and communication skills, as well as perscapicity and problem solving mindset.
Salary will start at $30,000 pr year w/Bonus. Salary will increase as relationship improves and businesses grow. If this is a position that fits your personality, please contact me at 431-337-1877

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